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8:00-17:00, Нд 9:00-17:00
Point of delivery
Costs of delivery:
з 7 до 10 - 200 грн.
з 10 до 12 - 150 грн.
з 12 до 15 - 150 грн.
з 15 до 18 - 150 грн.
з 18 до 20 - 200 грн.
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Flowers with delivery in Sarny

Flowers delivery in Sarny works from 7 till 20 if you'll make a previous order and prepay it. Any bouquet you like will be collected by a florist on a delivery day. We guarantee a freshness of the flowers and high quality of the service.

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Do you need a wedding greeting composition? We can order a composition of roses and alstromeries with delivery right on the holiday. Bright flower pots will decorate the evening.

  Bouquet "The Rapture"

For those who are not looking for ordinary bouquets, florists have prepared this stylish bouquet in yellow-purple. Roses, chrysanthemums, irises and eustoms create a bright mix, which is emphasized by bright packaging.


We suggest you buy an interesting bouquet of lisianthus and alstromeries. The combination of white and orange colors is highlighted by an orange design.

  Sexy Red

Bright scarlet imported roses Sexy Red with a rich aroma and a large bud in a bouquet. You can order any number of roses from 7 pcs. 


Lovely bouquet in the form of heart from imported pink roses and white chamomile chrysanthemums. The bouquet is gathered in a spiral with roses on the edges and daisies in the middle. Bandaged with satin ribbon.

  Waiting For the Meeting

A lovely round white-pink bouquet is created in the best traditions of European floristics: fresh single-headed and shrub roses with chrysanthemums are decorated with pink paper and a bow.

  Букет из 51 розы
  Bouquet of 151 Roses

With us, you can easily and quickly buy a huge bouquet of 151 roses. This is a gift that every girl dreams about. To fulfill dreams simply - it is necessary to order only an armful of roses for the beloved!


Giant basket of red roses Prestige with decorative greens, executed in the form of a semi-sphere. Available to order from 151 roses.


Do you urgently need flowers for your birthday? This colorful bouquet will help you out: a combination of gerberas, roses, chrysanthemums and greens gives birth to the perfect greeting bouquet for the birthday girl.

  Bouquet of 51 red Roses

Купить огромный букет красных роз сегодня? Наш флорист соберет шикарный букет из отборных бордовых роз специально для вас!

Букет доступен в трех вариантах исполнения на ваш выбор.

foto mix roses 101
  Bouquet of 101 Roses
  Endless Love

Composition on an oasis in the form of heart from burgundy roses of the Grand Prix variety. The flower heart is decorated with leaves of aspidistra and red berries of hypericum.


Bouquet from different chrysanthemums. In the round bouquet, single-headed yellow chrysanthemums and shrub raspberry and yellow, as well as fern are used. A bouquet is packed in floral paper.


A beautiful bouquet of white chrysanthemums Zembla and white-borded Saba with original fern leaves. The bouquet is wrapped in floral paper under the ribbon.

  Burning of Love

Luxurious composition of red roses Grand prix with a deadwood in the form of a huge heart, placed in the basket. Available in three variations.


Flower arrangement in a basket of cream roses Talea and gypsophila. Decorated with leaves of phoenix and greens. A great gift for any important event.

  Bouquet of 201 Roses

A stunning bouquet of 201 roses is now available to everyone. Here you can buy an inexpensive huge bouquet of roses and confess it with love or give roses to Valentine's Day.


A bouquet filled with freshness, thanks to luscious greenery. Dilute green flowers: yellow gerberas, pink roses and alstroemeria, white daisies.

  Bouquet of 25 Roses

Are you looking for an inexpensive beautiful bouquet of roses? Then this elegant bouquet in white and pink is the perfect offer. Fresh roses with a large bud create an ideal composition.

  Campmile Field

Classic basket with daisies. Composition in a basket of white chamomile chrysanthemums decorated with a ribbon with a bow.

  To My Love

Classic combination of red roses Prestige and white roses Avalanche in a bouquet in the shape of heart. The ideal spiral heart bouquet is made up of professional florists from fresh roses.


Classic bouquet of red Dutch roses Fried with a large glass. The bouquet is executed in the cascade technique with addition of leaves of aspidistra, greens and a decor from organza.


Bouquet in yellow-green tones with yellow roses, lemon alstromeria and light green chrysanthemum. The bouquet is decorated with leaves of the deadwood and bandaged in a tone.


A magnificent bouquet of roses in a chic design. The combination of scarlet and pink roses is additionally emphasized by multilayer packaging, so that the beech looks expensive and rich.

  Crazy Of Love

Large lush round bouquet. In the middle of the bouquet - red roses Prestige, then branches of white gypsophila, the next ball - green chrysanthemums and after there are cream roses Talea.


Classic round bouquet of white lilies on a branch. The number of branches in a bouquet can be chosen as desired. A fragrant bouquet is bandaged with a white satin ribbon.

  White Cloud

Chic composition in a basket of white Ukrainian roses Avalanche. Roses are collected tightly bud to the bud, at the edges are decorated with leaves of the deadwood.


Bright motley bouquet with yellow and red shrub chrysanthemums, yellow alstroemerias, purple branches of the statue and a deadwood. The bouquet is decorated in yellow paper.

  White camomiles

A round bouquet of white chamomiles, collected in a spiral and bandaged with ribbon. The number of branches in the bouquet varies and you can choose a bouquet of any size.

  The Bright Summer Mood

Summer bright bouquet from multi-colored alstroemeria and gerberas is available even in winter. Complement the flowers of luscious greens. The number of colors in the bouquet can be selected.

  Peruvian Flower

Дарить цветы близким так приятно! Этот чудный букет из пестрых оттенков альстромерии будет радовать больше недели. Это цветок, который долго не завянет.


Classic round bouquet of white camomiles in delicate yellow floral packing. The size of the bouquet and the number of colors in the bouquet can be selected on the product page.

  Bouquet of 101 Roses

Here you can buy a big bouquet of white roses for a holiday or just like that. In the bouquet we use only fresh roses with a long stem and a large bud that create beautiful bouquets.


European bouquet of pink roses, green chrysanthemum, raspberry alstermeriya, snow-white gypsophila, in decoration from aspidistra and packaging from organza.


A beautiful round bouquet of white and yellow roses and ornamental foliage will be the decoration of the holiday. Flower delivery is a convenient service, which you can use and congratulate while being away.


A beautiful basket of classic red roses. Prestige with greenery is made of yellow. Fresh roses with a large bud in the basket are an ideal option for a festive basket.

  Passionate Feeling

A chic bouquet of roses. A round spiral bouquet is collected from red roses of Grand prix and white roses Avalanch with addition of decorative greens. The bouquet is collected in quantities of 75 pieces.

  Bouquet "Rainbow"

You do not know what kind of bouquet to buy, but do you want it to be something unrepeatable? Then look at this original bouquet, round and bright. He just like it!


The combination of delicate Cream roses Talea, pink roses Aqua, small shrub roses, white eustom and gypsophila with herbs gives a sensual composition in the basket.

  Pink chrysanthemum

Bouquet from pink shrub chrysanthemums, decorated in floral paper of pink color. The product is presented by the piece - the number of colors in the bouquet can be selected on the product page.


This wonderful festive bouquet of burgundy orchids, fresh fragrant pink roses and alstroemeria will delight the recipient.

  Bouquet of 101 Roses

Предлагаем купить букет из 101 розы. Такой букет мечтает получить каждая девушка!

  White and yellow mix

A beautiful bouquet of white Avalanche roses and Aqua pink roses, which are collected in a spiral round bouquet and packed in a pink sisal. The perfect bouquet for the holiday!


Ukrainian orange roses of the Wau variety. A bouquet is collected per piece from any number of roses. All roses are cleared of thorns, collected in a spiral bouquet and packed in fashionable paper "newspaper".


Round bouquet of multicolored gerberas with greens of Ruscus, bergrass. It is decorated in two-color floristic paper.


A bouquet of roses in pastel shades of creamy Talea roses and white small-bush rose bush roses. This combination of roses today is a trend of floristry.

  Little Red Cap

A small original composition in a basket of red roses Prestige in the center, and green chrysanthemums Fili Green, red hypericum and decorative greens, located around roses.

  Bouquet "Euphoria"

A beautiful bouquet with purple eustoms and roses can be presented with and without reason. You can buy a bouquet with lisianthus in one click and give a real holiday!

  The Illios roses

Ukrainian yellow roses of Illyos variety. The length of the stem is 60-70 cm. All roses are cleared of thorns and collected in a spiral bouquet. To order any quantity available.

  Masterpiece of 51 roses

Buy 51 roses with home delivery - this is a real surprise! Order 51 multi-colored rose - a chic gift for your beloved. The courier will deliver the flowers to the doorstep.

  Alstroemerias apiece

Alstroemeria in stock, available all year round. Any color at the request of the client in any quantity. The bouquet is bandaged with ribbon.

  Happy Star

If you are looking for a delicate and refined bouquet, then this bouquet of pink roses and pink alstroemerias with the addition of hypericum and greenery is created by our florists for you!

  Golden Fleece

If you are tired of giving roses and want to give other flowers, then alstromeria is the best choice. Hurry up to order a bouquet of alstroemerias with greens and surprise with your favorite flowers!


Very gentle and airy basket with roses of light pink shade, lilac eustoms and gypsophila. A flower duet that creates a sensual composition.

  White roses apiece

White roses avalanche. Stem 60-70 cm
On the product page you can choose any number of flowers, which the florist will gather in a neat bouquet.

  Masterpiece of 101 roses

Buy 101 roses with home delivery - this is a real surprise! Order 51 multi-colored rose - a chic gift for your beloved. The courier will deliver the flowers to the doorstep.

  Evening blues

Bouquet of fresh roses of fire color: red, scarlet, pink, yellow, orange and coral - a hot mix can be bought and delivered on the same day to anywhere in the city!

  Rose colored piece

If you want to give flowers just like that, then stop on this bright mix of roses. Fresh fragrant roses are collected in a round bouquet, which will long please the eyes.


Especially for those who are looking for a summer bouquet - florists prepared this bright sunny composition in yellow tones of gerberas, roses, solidago, hypericum and juicy greens.

  Pink roses

Ukrainian rose roses of the Aqua variety. The height of the stem is 60-70 cm. The number of roses in the bouquet can be selected. Packing - floral paper.