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Costs of delivery:
з 7 до 10 - 200 грн.
з 10 до 12 - 150 грн.
з 12 до 15 - 150 грн.
з 15 до 18 - 150 грн.
з 18 до 20 - 200 грн.
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Flowers delivery in Berezan

Flowers delivery from 7 till 20. We're making an orders in a day, terminable orders - one hour after we got money from you. We guarantee high quality and professional flowers delivery in Berezan. We offer you a simple, comfortable and fast way to present a flowers. Twenty-four-hour order reception by the site. Automatic online-payment - cash, cashless and electronic money. 100% bouquet freshness, choose whatever you want!

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Flower arrangement in a basket of cream roses Talea and gypsophila. Decorated with leaves of phoenix and greens. A great gift for any important event.


Bouquet from different chrysanthemums. In the round bouquet, single-headed yellow chrysanthemums and shrub raspberry and yellow, as well as fern are used. A bouquet is packed in floral paper.

  Bouquet of 201 Roses

A stunning bouquet of 201 roses is now available to everyone. Here you can buy an inexpensive huge bouquet of roses and confess it with love or give roses to Valentine's Day.


Round bouquet of white shrub chrysanthemums Zembla. The flowers are collected in a spiral. Any number of chrysanthemums is available for order.

Шикарный подарок - розы в шляпной коробке.

  Bouquet of 101 Roses

Предлагаем купить букет из 101 розы. Такой букет мечтает получить каждая девушка!


Exquisite floral arrangement of red and coral roses, chrysanthemums and pink lilies will be a great addition to the holiday. If you are looking for something special, then this basket is for you!


A beautiful bouquet of white chrysanthemums Zembla and white-borded Saba with original fern leaves. The bouquet is wrapped in floral paper under the ribbon.

  Grand Prix

Red roses Grand prix. The stem is 60-70cm. Choose the desired number of roses, and we will assemble them for you in a chic bouquet.


Mix of colorful colorful spring flowers: eust, alstroemeria, roses with generous greens in a basket. Fresh flowers surrounded by lush greenery create a motley composition.

  For a Beautiful Lady

A round bouquet of multi-colored roses, green chrysanthemum and interspersed with purple statues. The bouquet is available in various variations.


A bush pink chrysanthemum of sort Katenka or a pink camomile. Decorated with delicate small flowers gypsophila and wrapped in floral paper.

  Bouquet of 51 red Roses

Купить огромный букет красных роз сегодня? Наш флорист соберет шикарный букет из отборных бордовых роз специально для вас!

Букет доступен в трех вариантах исполнения на ваш выбор.


A bouquet with cream and white roses and a small shrub chrysanthemum. The highlight of the bouquet is the greens of the bergress and the leaves of the fern. The bouquet is bandaged in tone.

  Flower Basket

If you have never given a flower baskets and want to do it for the first time - then we recommend that you buy a basket with pink roses, alstromeria and greens. A bright and cheerful basket for any occasion!

  Bouquet of 51 Roses

White roses are a symbol of the most sincere and pure feelings. And about these feelings will best tell a bouquet of roses. Do not know how to confess your feelings - we recommend you to order a bouquet of 21 white roses!


European bouquet of pink roses, green chrysanthemum, raspberry alstermeriya, snow-white gypsophila, in decoration from aspidistra and packaging from organza.

  White flowers in a hat box

Белые хризантемы и эустома в шляпной коробке

  Pinks In the Basket

For those who love carnations we have prepared a composition of carnations in the basket. Pink lush carnations with greens and décor with satin ribbons organically blended into the basket.

  The Day in May

A festive bouquet with lilies, orange roses and white callas. Decorate the bouquet with leaves aspidistra. Packing is organza. Bouquet for special people!

  Bucket of white roses

A solemn basket of white Avalanche roses and greens of bergress and fern. Various variations are available with different number of colors - the more, the more elegant the composition!

  Basket Alma

If your soul mate loves lilies, then a basket with lilies is the best gift for her. The composition with yellow lilies is complemented by roses, irises, small shrub roses and greens.


Romantic bouquet in the form of heart from white roses Avalanche and white chrysanthemums. Bright contrast is purple statics. A stylish bouquet is bandaged with satin ribbon.

  Green eyes

Funny bouquet with white daisies and unusual green chrysanthemums Filyn Green. The general color scheme is white-green, supported by leaves of ferns.

  For Princess

Delicate white and pink bouquet in airy nonwoven. White chrysanthemums in combination with pink roses Aqua and pink alstroemerias emphasize the romantic nature of the bouquet.

  Basket of Roses

If you are looking for a holiday composition, then a classic basket of red roses with greens and decor will be your best choice. Red roses, placed in a basket, will complement the atmosphere of the holiday.


A beautiful basket of classic red roses. Prestige with greenery is made of yellow. Fresh roses with a large bud in the basket are an ideal option for a festive basket.

  The Illios roses

Ukrainian yellow roses of Illyos variety. The length of the stem is 60-70 cm. All roses are cleared of thorns and collected in a spiral bouquet. To order any quantity available.


Round dense prefabricated bouquet with daisies, gerberas and coral roses Miss Piggy. In the bouquet are added twigs hypericum. The bouquet is packed in a grid and ribbon.

  Pink orchids in a hat box
  Peach Avalanche

Peach Rose Peach Avalanche with a stem height of 60-70cm. Florist will make a bouquet of the necessary number of roses. The bouquet is bandaged with ribbon.

  Bouquet of 151 Roses

With us, you can easily and quickly buy a huge bouquet of 151 roses. This is a gift that every girl dreams about. To fulfill dreams simply - it is necessary to order only an armful of roses for the beloved!


A merry bouquet with lilac chrysanthemums and cream small bush roses. As an ornament, leaves are aspidistra and multilayered packaging.

  Masterpiece of 51 roses

Buy 51 roses with home delivery - this is a real surprise! Order 51 multi-colored rose - a chic gift for your beloved. The courier will deliver the flowers to the doorstep.

  Basket of red roses

Luxurious composition of red roses Prestige and green fern in the basket. In the basket of 51 roses, on request you can make more.


Bouquet in yellow-green tones with yellow roses, lemon alstromeria and light green chrysanthemum. The bouquet is decorated with leaves of the deadwood and bandaged in a tone.

  For sweety

Gentle air bouquet of delicate pink roses and white eust. Complement the flowers are twigs gypsophila. An exquisite composition for loved ones.

  Bouquet of 101 Roses

Here you can buy a big bouquet of white roses for a holiday or just like that. In the bouquet we use only fresh roses with a long stem and a large bud that create beautiful bouquets.


Exotic bouquet with red roses, white daisies and white orchids cymbidium. The bouquet is complemented with greenery and packed in white floral paper. Buy a bouquet in one click.

  White roses apiece

White roses avalanche. Stem 60-70 cm
On the product page you can choose any number of flowers, which the florist will gather in a neat bouquet.

  White roses in a hat box
  101 Bouquet of roses on a short

101 разноцветная роза собрана в идеальный круглый букет. Купить 101 розу недорого и сделать сюрприз любимой - это очень выгодное предложение!